
There are 7 repositories under yolov9-deep-learning topic.

  • mdnuruzzamanKALLOL/Video-Object-Detection-Yolo_V9

    Road Vehicles Detection

  • abcdaaaaaaaaa/DiscoveryVehicle

    Nuclear and Chemical data with Plug-Unplug Systematics [MQ2 MQ3 MQ4 MQ5 MQ6 MQ7 MQ8 MQ9 MQ131 MQ135 MQ136 MQ137 MQ303A MQ309A Geiger Counter] Multi-Purpose that can configure with SQL and PHP, save data, do data science with Python, color scale with Lidar, deep learning with yolov9, objects with Pixy2 and location with GPS system Discovery Vehicle.

  • itsanuragkumarjha/Custom_YOLOV9_Room_cleanliness_Detector

    This project leverages a custom-trained YOLOv9 model to detect objects related to room cleanliness. Built with Gradio, it provides an interactive web interface where users can upload images and adjust detection parameters. The app returns images with annotated bounding boxes around detected objects, aiding in room organization tasks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5101
  • kouliki/Vehicle-Plate-Number-Recognition

    Vehicle Number Plate Recognition using Yolo v8 and Yolo v9

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • tamnhu2913/LicensePlateRecognition

    This project is built to recognize text on license plates in pictures using YOLOv9 and EasyOCR

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • ebubekirdgn/YoloV-x

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • salgue441/cow-project

    Automated cow detection and counting system for dairy farm queue monitoring using computer vision, with snapshots taken at 5-minute intervals.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10