
There are 4 repositories under yonsei-university topic.

  • dokdokorean/hungry_yonsei

    연세대학교 미래캠퍼스 학식 메뉴 및 편의시설 운영시간을 온라인으로 제공해주는 웹입니다.

  • yoche2000/alopexlagopus

    A collection of programs written by yoche2000. Some are assignments and projects, some are self-initiated projects that lack a structure to become an individual github projects

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • dragonHyeon/spark-project

    Yonsei University Graduate School CSI6101-01 Data Warehouse Systems Term Project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • ShuttlePy


    연세대 셔틀버스 신청 매크로 Macro for enrolling Shuttle bus for Yonsei University (Shinchon, International Campus). Read Readme plz.
