
There are 8 repositories under zerodowntime topic.

  • zettadb/kunlun

    KunlunBase is a distributed relational database management system(RDBMS) with complete NewSQL capabilities and robust transaction ACID guarantees and is compatible with standard SQL. Applications which used PostgreSQL or MySQL can work with KunlunBase as-is without any code change or rebuild because KunlunBase supports both PostgreSQL and MySQL connection protocols and DML SQL grammars. MySQL DBAs can quickly work on a KunlunBase cluster because we use MySQL as storage nodes of KunlunBase. KunlunBase can elastically scale out as needed, and guarantees transaction ACID under error conditions, and KunlunBase fully passes TPC-C, TPC-H and TPC-DS test suites, so it not only support OLTP workloads but also OLAP workloads. Application developers can use KunlunBase to build IT systems that handles terabytes of data, without any effort on their part to implement data sharding, distributed transaction processing, distributed query processing, crash safety, high availability, strong consistency, horizontal scalability. All these powerful features are provided by KunlunBase. KunlunBase supports powerful and user friendly cluster management, monitor and provision features, can be readily used as DBaaS.

  • Taymindis/ngx_lfqueue

    ngx_lfqueue is the queue which share memory across multiple threads and multiple worker without any lock!!

  • hlambda/hlambda-core

    Hlambda core - ECMAScript meta API service

  • exoscale-labs/zerodowntime

    Sample project to show how to achieve zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes, Spring Boot and Flyway

  • zeroc0d3/capistrano-laravel

    Zero downtime deployment Laravel with Capistrano

  • krbv/api-typescript-express-jwt-ajv-pm2

    REST API with Node, Typescript, Express, JWT, AJV, PM2 cluster

  • IncioMan/spring-boot-zerodowntime-deployment

    Project to setup a Zero Downtime Deployment for Spring Boot project
