
There are 16 repositories under zib topic.

  • axsk/VoronoiGraph.jl

    Voronoi diagrams in N dimensions using an improved raycasting method.

  • axsk/ISOKANN.jl

    Julia implementation of the ISOKANN algorithm for the computation of invariant subspaces of Koopman operators

    Language:Jupyter Notebook53284
  • zib-cmd/cmdtools

    Python implementation of severals tools (PCCA, AJC, SQRA, P/Q estimation) for the analysis of dynamical systems from the transfer operator perspective.

  • axsk/Hokusai.jl

    A julia package for clustering spatial timeseries, like for example eye-tracking data, based on PCCA+.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0320
  • axsk/ObjectiveEmpiricalBayes.jl

    Estimation of objective priors from cohort data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0300
  • axsk/OptImpSampling.jl

    Optimal Importance Sampling for Diffusion processes applied to ISOKANN.

  • axsk/SqraCore.jl

    Approximation of the generator of a Diffusion process by pointwise potential evaluations.

  • axsk/augmented-jump-chain

    Continuation of AJC work (2020-21) with trips to hitting time optimization, spa, sqra, isokann, committor neural network, sparse boxes, voronoi linear program, meta sgd, adaptive euler maruyama

    Language:Jupyter Notebook30
  • axsk/bachelor

    My bachelor thesis

  • axsk/EmpiricalBayesOld.jl

    Deprecated (Entropy) approach to Empirical Bayes. Cf ObjectiveEmpiricalBayes.jl

  • axsk/generators

    Early work on the AJC and coherence (2019/2020) also with weather data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • axsk/GynC.jl

    Bayesian inference for the GynCycle model

  • axsk/InnocentMoTMo

    Scripts for the analysis of the innocent agent rates from the MoTMo model.

  • axsk/PCCAPlus.jl

    Julia implementation of PCCA+

  • axsk/TSQRA.jl

    tensorized sqra

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21