
There are 86 repositories under zoo topic.

  • rl-baselines-zoo


    A collection of 100+ pre-trained RL agents using Stable Baselines, training and hyperparameter optimization included.

  • taehoonlee/tensornets

    High level network definitions with pre-trained weights in TensorFlow

  • JBZoo-CCK/JBZoo

    JBZoo Community Edition (Free, Full, Professional and GPL)

  • Qingcsai/awesome-Deepfakes

    All about Deepfakes & Detection

  • Shadow60539/zoo_app

    Flutter UI Challenges

  • zhaoyunxing92/docker-case


  • Qingcsai/awesome-3D-Deep-Learning

    Collection of 3D deep-learning/machine learning materials

  • szaghi/ZOO

    ZOO, Zaghi fOrtran cOllection, where my wild Fortran pets will survive

  • Yoctol/yoctol-keras-layer-zoo

    Some customized keras layers used in Yoctol NLU.

  • qsharp-community/algorithm-zoo

    Implementations of algorithms from http://quantumalgorithmzoo.org/

  • troglobit/zoo

    public domain zoo archive tool

  • weboccult-ai/onnx-model-zoo

    This GitHub repository contains converted models in ONNX, TensorRT, and PyTorch formats, along with inference scripts and demos. These models can be used for efficient deployment and inference in machine learning applications.

  • JBZoo-CCK/Zoo-Hacks

    Performance hacks and some hotfixes for YOOtheme ZOO Joomla! Component

  • jllike


    Plugin social buttons for Joomla. Support extension: K2, ZOO, Easy Blog, VirtueMart, JoomShopping, ADSmanager, Content.

  • Krypto-etox/Zoo-service

    Zoo is a service website helping zoo's to showcase themselves for more number of visitors.

  • vivekghanchi/ARGeeks

    This is an Augmented Reality application which will help in learning about Wild life animal by creating an augmented Zoo and Spread awareness of endangered animals

  • r-structural-breaks-with-ml


    Detecting structural breaks in time series data using statistical analysis and regression models in R.

  • Team-on-gamejams/LD46

    Ludum Dare Jam #46. Theme: "Keep it alive". Game: Zoo keeper - Entertain, feed and take care of animals in 8 different minigames

  • All4Gis/ZooWPS

    All the instructions for the installation of a Zoo project WPS in Ubuntu with NGINX Serving CGI Scripts.

  • troglobit/booz

    Zoo Extractor/Lister by Rahul Dhesi

  • BowenSun90/client-collection

    collection of client for hadoop、spark、hbase、es and so on

  • aridsm/website-zoo

    Landing page de um zoo

  • mmhamdy/analysis_weather_trends_cairo

    Comparing the temperature trends in Cairo to overall global temperature trends.

  • zoo-js/welcome

    💖 A note for zoo-js. 萌萌乐园。

  • ChathushkaRodrigo/ZooMelaka-Management-System

    Zoo Management System for Zoo Melaka Organization

  • fiction13/plg_system_jbzoopro

    JBZoo Pro - плагин динамического контента JBZoo для Yootheme Pro

  • FOGSEC/snake

    snake - a malware storage zoo

  • haslie22/online-zoo

    HTML, Sass and Vanilla JS website for online zoo foundation :panda_face:

  • matanmay/Zoo-project

    Academic project in Java course (OOP). Includes: inheritance, interfaces, data structures, exceptions, Enums, singleton, serialization, JavaFx. The singleton class (which contains most of the code) is ZOO. The project is an information system for a zoo with consideration to Covid-19 limitations. The zoo is divided to sections, in each of the sections the system keeps track of the number of visitors so they will not overpass the limit of visitros for the section. Moreover, the system database contains: animals. visitors, employees, drinks and food. All of the data is being saved to a serialized file. If there is any case of a user error, or a Covid-19 limitation that the employees in the zoo need to know about then the system will pop up an exception/message with details about the problem. The system contains screens for the zoo manager and for the employees of the zoo. The manager has access to all of the screens, can update, delete and add data to the zoo database. The employee has a limited access and can see only part of the screens. Only employees and managers can use the system, they have username, password and need to log in before they can do any action. The manager has screens in which he can see details about the sections, animals and more. He can decide to change the way the data is shown to him (in a screen that simulates for him a database table), for example: see first the sections with the highest profit, or to order by name. Also some of the data can have a secondry sort. In addition, some of the details about the zoo is shown as charts, in order to make it easier for the users to keep track (for example) about the statictics of the cafeteria. The design (CSS) is mostly the same for all of the screens unless there is a specific need for a special screen to be different.

  • pronepoet/photo-gallery

    Project files for Final School project for phase 1

  • ioannisCC/java-zoo-project

    A Java Terminal Zoo Admin Panel with Basic Functionalities

  • muhammad3245571106/Netflix-stock-price-prediction-using-R-and-shiny

    This is a web application for Netflix stock price prediction developed using R and Shiny (R library for building beautiful dashboards).

  • nepenteh/ej-java-08-zoologico

    Ejercicio de Java 08. Zoológico. (Ejercicios de Java para el canal EjerciciosMesa YouTube)

  • pitch2/Zoo-Tycoon-II

    Site Web pour BTS SIO SISR
