
There are 4 repositories under zoom-level topic.

  • xobotyi/zoom-level

    A comprehensive cross-browser package that allow you to determine page's and element's zoom level

  • SyncfusionExamples/create-a-flutter-maps-widget-in-10-minutes

    A quick-start example to help you add the Syncfusion Flutter Maps widget to a Flutter app. In this example, you will learn how to set the geo JSON data for the shape layer from a local asset bundle, set a title for the map, and show data labels. You will also learn how to show legends and tooltips and how to add a tile layer and set the initial zoom level.

  • SyncfusionExamples/deep-dive-into-zooming-and-panning-features-in-the-flutter-maps

    A quick-start example to help you perform zooming and panning in Syncfusion Flutter Maps widget. In this example, you will learn how to use the zoomPanBehavior property of MapTileLayer and perform initial zooming, enabling double-tap zooming, setting min and max zoom levels. You will also learn about the zooming and panning callbacks, perform zooming programmatically on a button tap and reset zooming. Also, you will learn how the same zoomPanBehavior property settings work in MapShapeLayer.

  • SyncfusionExamples/How-to-group-the-markers-based-on-zoom-level-in-Xamarin.Forms-maps

    This repository contains sample to group the markers based on zoom level in Syncfusion Xamarin.Forms maps control
