
Feedback TODO list for the current round of polishing

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Feedback from Siriris:

  • Fix ear of the [g]
  • Improve [B]
  • Fix "y" descender and serif
  • "J" descends quite low
  • Serifs on E and F

Feedback from TheSuperiorAlpaca:

  • My first impression is that the tittle in i is a little bit too high. Am I wrong?

Feedback from 5erif:

  • Just friendly feedback, to me the fi ligature may match the rest of the set better if the f ascender and i tittle joined with the same kind of angled lines they each have individually, rather than the more vertical look it has in the ligature here.

Notes to self:

  • Have a look at the [x] glyph, having in mind the considerations made in #55

Please take a look at the polishing comments @ google/fonts#7636 (comment) :)

Hi Dave!

Thank you so much for letting me know about the comments there, as well as for opening the issue for adding Darwin on the google/fonts repository. Having Darwin eventually available on Google Fonts has been a goal since day one! :)

The tittles in lowercase Latin i and j work for me. I do notice if they are weirdly off like with the Doves Type which places them way off to the right.