
Source file(s) and toolchain

Opened this issue · 3 comments

What is the development process for Darwin? Which font editor is used such as Glyphs, FontLab Studio or even FontForge?

Can you add the source file(s) to the repository? They will be needed for Google Fonts compliance. 😀

Yep, I'm hoping to add this to the project as soon as I can :)

I'm currently saving money to move to using Glyphs as my font editor, and plan to set up a compilation pipeline from source (with e.g. make, fontmake, fontbakery, etc.) as soon as this is done.

(I should probably mention that this will unfortunately take quite long (ETA: 8–12 months), however, as I first need to save enough money to buy a Hackintosh (cheaper than a Mac where I live) and a Glyphs licence, which is currently not a possibility given my current financial situation (I've been struggling for a while and most likely will keep doing so in the coming months).)

I look forward to it and good luck with that Hackintosh. 😀