
[Grant Application]: Expert Mentor Marketplace

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Project title

Expert Mentors

Link to grant specification

Time to complete the project

10 weeks

Do you agree to open source all work you do for this project under the APACHE2 license?

  • I agree to open source all work I do for this project under the APACHE2 license.

Project description

Everyone has been a beginner at some point, but, the opportunity to master the skills to become world class is not available to everyone. It's true that you can learn with YouTube, but it's often beginner to intermediate content.

Experts do not generally have the incentives to create content. That's where Mentor token comes in, by creating content that the community deems as expert you increase your reputation and earn fees from group and individual mentorship.

The mentorship will be sold in a marketplace with availability defined by the mentor and ranking by the amount of mentor token available.

The goal is to help people become really good at what they do through decentralized mentorship.

Platform Components

The platform has four components:

1. Mentor token

a utility token that indicates how much of an expert a person is judged by the community. It cannot be transfered, sold or traded and can only be earned from emissions when community members validates content you create, mentorships you complete and other actions to be determined.

2. Mentor ticket

a trade able NFT ticket to interact with a mentor either one-on-one or in groups.

3. Mentor

a key member of the ecosystem. They have skills and experience and it has been recognized by the community. They receive MT (mentor tokens) as reputation points for sharing knowledge with the community. They also learn stablecoins from sales or Mentor Tickets.

4. Community

These are enthusiasts or pros that are interested in a field. They are in tune with discussions, they range from novices to experts. They upvote expert content and makes MTs to be emitted. They can also purchase Mentor tickets for one-on-one time.


1. Become a Mentor

First they stake some value (a stablecoin) to prevent spamming.
When posted, community upvotes or downvotes and they can be rewarded or slashed. The stake will be released after some time for the new mentors.
Also, after a threshold of MTs earned they can be direct mentors and earn a stable coin.

2. Be a Community Member

These is everyone who is interested in the topic.
They can request to be mentored by a mentor that they admire.
They pay for mentor tickets with a stablecoin.
They can trade the mentor ticket to other community members and can be a valuable asset if a particular mentor isn't very available.

3. Anyone can become a mentor as long as they follow the steps and are validated by the community.


Milestone No. Milestone Title Milestone Summary Support Areas Estimated Timeframe
1 Design token behaviour The main things to consider are emissions, community consensus mechanism, slashing, security and any factors to make sure that the incentives are healthy, sustainable and robust. tokenomics 1 week
2 Develop and test token We will write the smart contracts, test for soundness and security zkProofs, security audits 2 weeks
3 Design platform UI Use Figma to prototype seamless UX and beautiful UI None 2 weeks
4 Build mentorship marketplace and integrate with token contract Build UI in ReactJS and integrate with contract None 4 weeks
5 End-to-end testing Test platform with users and launch Early testers 1 week

Documentation, education and community

  • Document platform usage and design in a white paper
  • Write engaging blog posts to encourage people to create communities and to become mentors
  • Describe how to become a mentor and token emissions

Other deliverables

No response

Maintenance and upgrade plans

  • Software development: begin with software development mentors because it's digitally native and they already learn online

  • Expand into other digital and non digital expertise: there are many people who'll love to be mentored and others who love to share their experiences we'll add other skills like product management, design and marketing.

  • Liquidity: the incentives only make sense if people can get value for their hard-work. We'll work to make sure that liquidity is coming in by making the mentee experience really smooth and valuable