
[Grant Application]: {Magma AI: Generative Chat2Build, Chat2Learn, and Research dApp}

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Project title

Magma AI

Link to grant specification

Connector Grants

Time to complete the project

5 weeks

Do you agree to open source all work you do for this project under the APACHE2 license?

  • I agree to open source all work I do for this project under the APACHE2 license.

Project description

Magma AI is a revolutionary generative technology, borne from a collaborative efforts of the Developer's Guild at the Web3 Woman Hub and Klynox.
It's a dynamic Chat2Build, Chat2Learn AI dApp set to improve web3 learning, research, development, and community onboarding.

Magma AI seamlessly blends community onboarding with web3 research and development, all while introducing interactive and engaging Chat2Learn and Chat2Build features.

The Developer's Guild at the Web3 Woman Hub has adopted a transformative approach to the development of Magma AI through the Bootcamp Scholarship Program that brings together experts and enthusiasts, fostering an environment of collaboration and efficiency.
The Magma AI team, comprised of expert developers, is on a mission to propel web3 enthusiasts beyond the mere hype and guiding them towards hands-on building and interaction within the Toposware Protocol blockchain, providing a real-world education and development to collectively improve Magma AI.

In just 1week beta testing, Magma AI witnessed over 3k sign ups from both developers and web3 enthusiasts, and its success spurring the interest and an interview with CoinTelegraph for a potential post feature.


Milestone No. Milestone Summary Estimated Timeframe
1 Develop and integrate components for seamless compatibility with Topos protocol 2 weeks
2 Embed advanced NLP and machine learning algorithms for real-time interactions and improved Topos educational; Chat2Learn Topos quests. 2 weeks
3 Develop generative media and content capabilities using advanced techniques (e.g., GANs) 1 weeks

Documentation, education and community

Beta v1.1:
Lite Doc:

For later documentation, our team would leverage the WWH Innovations Guild to intermittently intermittently deploy effective community and content marketing measures, in line with relevant areas in web3 and Toposware ecosystem in the time through:
- Articles and Blog posts
- Video tutorial "how-tos"
- Diverse incentivized community UGC content forms.
- Cross-platform integration and API

These would ensure that users are constantly updated on how they can leverage Magma AI to build, learn and get onboarded on Toposware Protocol.

With these measures in place, as well as many more that would be adopted by the team with the benefit of hindsight, we would continually and constantly work to ensure that adequate educational and community fostering measures are put in place for the long term mutual benefits of both Magma AI and Toposware Protocol.

Other deliverables

Other deliverables to be expected include:

  • Community Growth
    ALL participants of the Bootcamp (over 3k participants anticipated) would be encouraged to join the Toposware community on Discord, follow on all social platforms and stay updated with the ecosystem.
    These are real humans not bot, who will interact and foster organic growth of Toposware Ecosystem.

  • Toposware Awareness
    this would be achieved in two phases:

    • Phase 1:
      ALL participants accepted into the Bootcamp would be mandated to make a post on all social media platforms following a text prompt provided. The text prompt will include a brief intro of Toposware Protocol, and a clear CTA which encourages viewers to interact with Toposware on the community. This text prompt will be made available for review by our team.
    • Phase 2:
      ALL participants would be encouraged by a 10% assessment score, and a $500 prize pool to embark on a #BuildlInPublic Challenge. The core goal for this challenge is to encourage participants to creatively and publicly share their learning updates, effectively featuring Toposware as their base learning protocol.
      This ensures that UGC promotes Toposware and generates organic content and growth.

The criteria for selecting winners of the Prize Pool would be the post with highest engagements (likes, repost and comments) and those whose audience follow Toposware. Other criteria include:
- The most creative and detailed feature of Toposware Protocol from the participants.
- Our team will thoroughly review to ensure that there are no bots engagement or following to maintain quality of intended results. Bot engagement & following would be disqualified.

As a plus, the Web3 Woman Hub would do an expo article on Toposware Protocol, simultaneously effectively highlighting its unique innovations and promoting it as an inclusive ecosystem empowering women developers.

Maintenance and upgrade plans

The simplified growth plans include:

  • Leveraging the WWH Developer Guild and WWH Academy to collaborate to ensure continued research and updates on the Magma AI dApp, to provide the most up to date and relevant features and technologies to stay true to its caus.
  • The Magma AI team will be adopting a user-centric growth approach which prioritizes users in the product development and updates, and empowers users to collectively own and contribute to the project (as a democratized development )
  • Magma AI will continue to ensure that it adapts to increasing needs and demands of the ecosystem, and introducing revenue models that will ensure sustainable development for both Magma AI and Topsware Protocol.