
[Grant Application]: OpenBiSea NFT Marketplace

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Project title

OpenBiSea NFT Marketplace

Link to grant specification

NFT Marketplace

Time to complete the project

4 weeks

Do you agree to open source all work you do for this project under the APACHE2 license?

  • I agree to open source all work I do for this project under the APACHE2 license.

Project description

Name: OpenBiSea
Brief Description: Game Studio and Multi-chain NFT auctions in all-in-one place to cut any NFT deal in a few clicks with a $200M fund in $OBS.

Project name: OpenBiSea - Game Studio and Multi-chain NFT auctions in all-in-one place to cut any NFT deal in a few clicks with a $200M fund in $OBS.

Name of company or individual applying for the grant: IXC Global Inc Primary name and contact information: Oleksii Vynogradov, Total funding requested (in USD): $15000

web application:


Milestone No. Milestone Summary Estimated Timeframe
1 Adapt smart contracts 1 week
2 Deploy testnet 1 week
3 integration 2 weeks
4 tests 1 week

Documentation, education and community

Hi. I’m a founder of - Game Studio(top 5) and Multi-chain NFT auctions (top 40) in all-in-one place to cut any NFT deal in a few clicks with a $200M fund in $OBS. I'm looking for cooperation. More info -, telegram:, presentation

Our OpenBiSea Studios already release first NFT game this year and will release second Q4 this year. You can check the first game - and second game -

Our motoDEX now top 1 game on aurora with 2k UAW and dexGO reach 12M+ views and 50k followers last 4 months (plus 200-500 daily downloads from AppStore and PlayStore)

Other deliverables

No response

Maintenance and upgrade plans

Q4 2023 Release motoDEX and dexGO, 100k+ active players

Q1 2024 Top-10 in NFT marketplaces 1M+ active users

Q4 2025 Top-10 play to earn market with $3B valuation