
[Grant Application]: Reconnaissance Blind Chess (RBC) NFT Game

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Project title

Reconnaissance Blind Chess (RBC) NFT Game

Link to grant specification

Time to complete the project

6 weeks

Do you agree to open source all work you do for this project under the APACHE2 license?

  • I agree to open source all work I do for this project under the APACHE2 license.

Project description

Reconnaissance Blind Chess (RBC), a game of incomplete information, blends the strategic depth of traditional chess with the intrigue of hidden moves and pieces. This project will implement an RBC game on the Topos testnet, leveraging Topos' ZKPs to obscure board positions. The primary collectible, donums (Latin for gifts), bestow unique abilities upon players. In this immersive gaming experience, each player is distinctly identified by their public blockchain address, ensuring transparency and security throughout the gameplay.

In the game's minimum viable product (MVP), donums take center stage as sought-after collectibles, providing players a competitive edge through their diverse and strategic powers. Donums grant players increased sight range, the capacity to obscure specific squares on the chessboard from their opponent's view, and even the ability to substitute one chess piece for another. These dynamic gifts not only enrich the gameplay, but also lay the groundwork for a potential token economy, allowing players to buy, sell, and trade these valuable assets.

Moreover, the game introduces a set of custom pieces that transcend the limitations of traditional chess units, offering players a wealth of strategic opportunities and expanding the game's tactical dimensions. As this project unfolds, the integration of collectibles and custom pieces will be harmoniously interwoven with the power of Web3 technology, creating a dynamic, competitive, and potentially tokenized gaming ecosystem that is both captivating and immersive for players worldwide.


Milestone No. Milestone Title Milestone Summary Estimated Timeframe Possible technologies and support areas
1 Basic Chess Smart Contract and UI Implementation Develop the foundational smart contract for chess gameplay, allowing players to move pieces according to their traditional chess rules. Create a basic user interface (UI) for interacting with the game. Deploy the initial iteration on the Topos Blockchain. 1 week Solidity, Topos Blockchain (Support needed)
2 Zero Knowledge Circuits Implementation Create and implement zero-knowledge circuits that enforce piece movement rules while keeping certain portions of the chessboard hidden from players. Enhance privacy and security using cryptographic techniques. 1 week Circom, zk-SNARKs
3 Collectibles and Smart Contracts Development Develop Solidity smart contracts to manage collectibles, game creation, player interactions, and fair gameplay. Lay the foundation for the token economy associated with collectibles. 1 week Solidity, Web3.js
4 Game UI Enhancement Iterate and improve the game's user interface (UI) to support advanced features such as collectibles management, game creation, and player pairing. Ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience. 1 week Web development frameworks (e.g., React, Vue.js)
5 Testing and Auditing Conduct extensive testing of the entire system, including unit tests, integration tests, and user testing. Perform a comprehensive security audit to identify and address vulnerabilities. Ensure robustness and security against various attack vectors. 1 week Testing frameworks, security audit tools best suited for Topos (support needed)
6 Documentation and Final Reviews Create comprehensive documentation for players and developers, covering game rules, smart contract details, and how to use the DApp. Perform final reviews to ensure all aspects of the project are complete and meet quality standards. 1 week Documentation tools, code review processes

Documentation, education and community


  • Game Rules and Mechanics: Create a comprehensive rulebook that explains the unique rules and mechanics of the game. Include detailed explanations, diagrams, and examples to help players understand the game.

  • Smart Contract Documentation: Provide thorough documentation for the smart contracts used in the game. Explain how they work, their functions, and the role of blockchain technology in the game's mechanics.

  • Collectibles Guide: Create a guide that introduces players to the collectibles in the game. Describe each donum's abilities, rarity, and how they can be acquired or traded. Include tips on strategic use.

  • User Interface (UI) Tutorial: Develop a step-by-step tutorial for using the game's UI. Walk players through game creation, collectibles management, and gameplay, ensuring they can navigate the DApp easily.

  • Troubleshooting and FAQs: Compile a list of frequently asked questions and common issues players may encounter. Provide solutions and troubleshooting steps for a smooth gaming experience.


  • Official Forum: Set up an official forum or community platform where players can discuss strategies, share experiences, and seek help. Encourage community members to moderate and contribute.
  • NFT Collectibles Gallery: Showcase unique in-game collectibles as NFTs, allowing players to own and trade them on NFT marketplaces, fostering an active secondary market.
  • Customization: Give end-user developers the ability to create extensions and plugins for the game that create new and unique experiences for players.

Other deliverables

No response

Maintenance and upgrade plans

  • Monetization: When Topos transitions to main-net, setup a monetization strategy that balances revenue generation with a fair and engaging user experience. Monetization could be via Collectible Donum Sales, Advertisement Partnerships, Tournaments , and Secondary Market Fees.

  • Collectibles Expansion: Expand the types of collectibles in the game and enhance its appeal. New collectibles could include custom environments/boards.

  • Interoperability Plan: Enable interoperability with other blockchain networks, including Cross-Chain Asset Transfer, Multi-Chain Support, and Cross-Chain Marketplaces.