
XSS injection vectors from editor-controlled forms

Closed this issue · 1 comments

From @thibaudcolas :

The templates make a lot of use of |safe, which makes me feel wary at the very least, and will be a source of XSS vulnerabilities when forms are defined via user input (the Wagtail form builder in particular).

Testing the current implementation of BaseWagtailFormBuilder and the templates,

  • This makes it possible do an XSS injection via the fields’ label
  • The buttons label also allows XSS injection (input.value|safe in button.html)
  • The injection via help_text is prevented by WAGTAILFORMS_HELP_TEXT_ALLOW_HTML – so we’re good, but it’d be nice if similarly usage of |safe for help text was configurable within the template pack (rather than trusting it’s done upstream).
  • For sites that make it possible to do fieldsets and legends (with implementations like wagtailstreamforms), I’m pretty sure there would be more injection opportunities.

So – I’d suggest:

  1. Removing the |safe for anything that doesn’t strictly need it
  2. For things that do need it, checking whether there might be more bespoke sanitisation we could introduce
  3. Documenting which things we’d expect implementers of the template pack to sanitise themselves

The current implementation matches how Crispy Forms work out of the box (, though Crispy Forms doesn't assume the forms are editable via a CMS whereas ours could be.

I think we should do this for the first release at least for the fields’ labels and button labels. I can see two options:

  • Remove the |safe from templates in the right spots
  • Add extra escaping with relevant logic in Python (FormBuilder implementation)