
Some possible additions

davecranwell opened this issue · 3 comments

In requirements.txt:

Gunicorn seems common for staging (not sure what the preference is for production). Fabric is just useful.

In project_name/settings/

ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] #Add your production site's hostname(s) here

This needed to be added before the site would run, on django-titan at least.

Added gunicorn and fabric in bea6170. (Ideally, it would be nice to get some initial config for these in place within the template - but that's server-dependent to some extent, and having them in requirements.txt marks them out as best practice, at least...)

ALLOWED_HOSTS is already in place in settings/ as of d98fe81.

Hi Steve, cheers for that. You config aligns pretty closely with the gunicorn/supervisor/nginx conf we've been using on recent projects and I've been meaning to add it to the template. Got a bit more time available now so will combine the best of each.

Will also add some core fabric tasks we reuse.