
list render

redstoneleo opened this issue · 5 comments

The following would not be rendered as a lsit

- First item
- Second item
- Third item
- Fourth item

However, if you add a new line below the first line, that is,


- First item
- Second item
- Third item
- Fourth item

it works, any way to make the first one work, I know editors like stackedit accept it.

We use under the hood. It also follows the original Markdown syntax rules.
So this may be better if the Python Markdown issue queue

Any consideration on supporting CommonMark?
As I tested , is the most accurate parser.

Hey @redstoneleo,
This is unlikely as it would require a rather large refactor, and will lose support for the plugins that Python-Markdown supports (although this may be less of an issue as has its own list of similar plugins, at least when it comes to the ones the current parser supports out of the box)

Will close on that basis, sorry

Yes, I agree with you that it would require a lot of effort. I just found markdown-it-py is so flexible and it is worth knowing that it supports four parsers

I've opened #119 to keep markdown-it-py as a reference.
One way forward would be to look into making the parser swappable.