
Horizontal line - hr vs <hr>

csalom opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Is there a reason to have the hr tag between the symbols '<' and '>' ?

I've seen this PR unresolved...

There are any news about that, @tm-kn ?

tm-kn commented

Hi. I'll try to look at this tonight!

tm-kn commented

@csalom Can you please review #33?

sorry for the late response.
I think that PR #33 it's ok and can be merged.
I've add a review. It's my first one, I hope that I've submitted in the right way.

Thank you for the work :)

tm-kn commented

Sure. Will push to PyPI when I've time (during this week hopefully). Thanks!

tm-kn commented

This has been released in 0.5a3.