
Customise SimpleMDE options?

thomas-ricci opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi all, and thank you Torchbox!

Is it possible to customise the SimpleMDE configuration like this? I would like to hide some icons and disable spell checking.

I can access /static/wagtailmarkdown/js/simplemde.attach.js and modify options during the creation of the new SimpleMDE() but nothing seems to apply. If I try console.log('test') in this file I also can't see the log, so I'm assuming this file isn't what is being read when editing my pages in Wagtail, however the debugger says my browser is pulling this exact file:


Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

I can verify that changing options in simplemde.attach.js works. I turned off the spellchecker by setting "spellChecker: false".

Would love that feature as well as we want to add additional buttons to the SimpleMDE toolbar

Hey all, I will gladly review a PR for this ;)

Fixed by #104/#105