
Dynamic Mode only working on one side

ToggoStar opened this issue ยท 13 comments


First off: RoundedTB is an awesome idea and looks really promising, thank you for the work!

Now the issue: On my super-ultra wide monitor, dynamic mode only seems to work properly on the right side. On the left side, the taskbar appears as usual. Any ideas what might be causing this?

Screenshot 2021-11-13 215521

I'm using the version 3.1B.


P3.1 B was supposed to have a fix for this, but for now go ahead and just set the taskbar icons to the left then back to the centre. I'll doubly-make-sure this fix is implemented before R3.1 actually releases.

Could you provide the config file? Help & About > Debug > Open log file

hi, this is the config file if it helps.

I have the same issue as him so I hope it doesn't matter whoever you got the config file from.

  "CornerRadius": 6,
  "MarginBasic": 0,
  "MarginBottom": 0,
  "MarginLeft": 0,
  "MarginRight": 0,
  "MarginTop": 0,
  "IsDynamic": true,
  "IsCentred": false,
  "ShowTray": false,
  "CompositionCompat": false,
  "IsNotFirstLaunch": true

Could you provide the config file? Help & About > Debug > Open log file

Here's my config:

"Version": 1,
"CornerRadius": 7,
"MarginBasic": 0,
"MarginBottom": 0,
"MarginLeft": 0,
"MarginRight": 0,
"MarginTop": 0,
"IsDynamic": true,
"IsCentred": false,
"IsWindows11": true,
"ShowTray": false,
"CompositionCompat": false,
"IsNotFirstLaunch": true,
"FillOnMaximise": false,
"FillOnTaskSwitch": false,
"ShowTrayOnHover": true

Thanks for looking into it!

Was just coming to report I have the same issue. Setting to left and back to center fixed it for me aswell.

Yep, align left and then center fixed it

Fresh Win 11 install, still happens if you never toggled task bar position to begin with.

Erisa commented

Yeah it seems to happen in almost all cases, hopefully will be resolved in the next update.

if i adjust to left then back to center it solves the problem but gives rise to the 'weather' not showing up and i use it a lot again. Don't know if there is a way to solve this problem.

OK, so I am currently on the 22623.875 and somehow the dynamic mode just work on the both side of monitor.
Like, Microsoft, what are you playing at.

eglish commented

Reporting in that I just did a fresh install of Win11. Current version: Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.1516]. This is still an issue

I fixed this issue by disabling dynamic mode, opening the taskbar settings window, re-enabling dynamic mode, then in taskbar settings, open taskbar behaviors, and on "taskbar alignment" change it from center to left, then back to center, and all should work properly.

Unfortunately, dynamic mode is broken in the latest stable version of Windows (22631.2338).

Also see: