
barcode image tag

martinemde opened this issue · 1 comments

I wrote a simple method that can create an image tag in rails for a barcode based on a requested width and height. Is this something that would make sense in barby?

    def barcode_image_tag(text, height:, width:, margin: 10)
      barcode =

      # How wide should the bar be so that it best fills the requested image width?
      xdim = (width.to_f / barcode.encoding.length).round

      image = barcode.to_image(
        xdim: xdim * 2, # double resolution for clearer printed image (and retina)
        margin: margin,
        height: (height - margin) * 2 # Barby expects height without top/bottom margin.

      # Now use the official height and width of the image rather than stretch it.
        width: image.width / 2,
        height: image.height / 2,
        alt: text.to_s

If this steps outside of the scope of this gem, feel free to close this.

I think this is outside of the scope for barby, but you might want to add it to the wiki (there's an Examples page) or somewhere else that people can find it.