Advance Status Support
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Currently it's very hard to get visibility into what the Forked Process is doing.
The only status available is from the service looking at the PID file via the is_running() function.
Imagine you need a service that has multiple threads, I want to expose how many threads are running by issuing the status call to main service status.
Or that I want to expose 1min, 5min, 60min counter values for the service itself.
Is there currently a way to do this? Am I missing something?
If not, is there a way to make the service listen on a socket for status reporting purposes.
Something like this:
There is no built-in functionality for communication with the daemon, so you need to implement that yourself. Sockets are a typical approach, but you can also use named pipes or other methods of interprocess communication (IPC).