
Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project uses a Makefile to simplify common tasks. Here are the available commands:

make install

Installs project dependencies using npm ci. This ensures a clean and consistent installation of node modules.

make start

Starts the development server with npm start. This command runs the application in development mode.

make build

Builds the project for production using npm run build. It creates a minified and optimized version of your application.

make clean

Removes the build directory with rm -rf build. This command cleans up old build files.

make test

Runs tests with npx jest. This command executes your test suite to ensure your code is working correctly.

make test-watch

Runs tests in watch mode with npx jest --watch. It automatically re-runs tests when files change, useful for development.

make coverage

Checks test coverage with npx jest --coverage. This command generates a report showing which parts of your code are covered by tests.

make lint

Lints your source code with npx eslint ./src. This command checks your code for style and potential errors.

make lint-fix

Fixes linting issues with npx eslint ./src --fix. This command automatically corrects style issues in your code.

Default Goal

The default goal is set to install. This means if you run make without any arguments, it will execute the install command by default.