
platform(melpomene): simulate I2C devices

hawkw opened this issue · 2 comments

hawkw commented

it would be cool if we could exercise the i2c_puppet driver in Melpomene. in order to simulate i2c devices, we would need to add a simulated implementation of the I2cService in Melpomene, and configure it to respond to I2C transactions with the i2c_puppet address.

copied from chat:


specifically what i'm thinking would be nice for melpomelo is if we could have a sim impl of I2cService so that the i2c_puppet driver, which is cross-platform, can run in melpo
it would be really cool if melpo made keyboard input pretend to be i2c_puppet and then the i2c_puppet driver read from the IRL keyboard


Okay, so just the service for starters
I was figuring you'd want some kind of instrumentation, like "expect this sequence of commands"

related: #169