tosdr/Frontpage redirects me to https://service/soundcloud

saper opened this issue · 3 comments

saper commented


The browser gets redirected to /service/soundcloud when clicking on a "Soundcloud" link on

How To Reproduce It

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Observed behavior

Expected behavior

  • a requested service info should be shown

Desktop Specs

  • OS: FreeBSD
  • Firefox/86.0
  • Chrome/88.0.4324.182
saper commented

The code in question:

seems to produce the following:

>> exp
(11) […]
​0: ""
​1: "https:"
​2: "https"
​3: "//"
​4: ""
​5: "/"
​6: undefined
​7: undefined
​8: "#soundcloud"
​9: "soundcloud"
​10: ""
​length: 11
​<prototype>: Array []
>> "/" + firstPortion + "/service/" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.substr(1))

Thanks for reporting this, it seems to have used the old system so I've gone ahead and fixed it.

It will take a couple hours to appear in production