
Manual testing

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  • Is retrieved correctly, and at a reasonable frequency (for instance at browser restart, but not each time a tab is opened)?
    • retrieved when plugin is installed or updated
    • [created #23] retrieved at some other interval, or at least when the brower restarts
  • Does the data in browser storage look correct?
  • Are newly added, changed, and removed points all updated correctly? (maybe use hosted fixtures to test this)
    • added
    • changed
    • removed -> for points, not for services. to really remove a review, we would have to include that in all.json as "": null or something
  • Do the last/lastRate values in localStorage look correct?
  • Is a notification shown but not repeated?
  • Does the notification reappear when you clear localStorage, or write an older date into it?
  • What does the popup look like for unreviewed domains?
  • What does the popup look like for non-main domains?
  • What does the popup look like for partially reviewed domains?
  • What does the popup/notification look like for class A/B/C/D/E domains?
  • Are list of points and list of documents of top sites identical to the info on