
How do I disable the autocomplete of wiki links?

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I am having an issue where when I what to link to another wiki article in the article I am editing, Sublime just freezes out a long time (long enough for me to switch out to read a manga chapter or two at least). During this time, I can't touch Sublime Text as it reflects as Not Responsive. If I did, the Windows system would recommend to end Sublime Text. Then, it displays the various links available in a dropdown menu.

(This wiki link is what I am referring to.)

I do not need the dropdown menu as I would have done my searches beforehand. Any way to disable this action, or rectify the non-responsive period?

I am editing on the English Wikipedia. Also, it might be of interest to you that Sublime will lag out as well on Windows if you open a long list, such as this

Let me know if you need any details, you will have to guide me on how to extract logs from Sublime Text though if you need them.

You can just increase the value of option page_prefix_min_length in settings (default: 3) - the number of characters after which the autocompletion is triggered.

"page_prefix_min_length": 100

Thanks! that works!

Hi @tosher , this kinda thing should be copied to the wiki to allow others to find it more easily.