
[Bug] Link suggestion adds onto what was already typed

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, when typing in a link and clicking one of the dropdown suggestions, it adds to what has already been typed and causes words to be repeated.

Steps to reproduce

  • Open double square brackets
  • Start typing in a page name. example: [[Big Buc...
  • Click one of the link suggestions example: Big Buck Bunny

Expected behavior

I should get [[Big Buck Bunny]]

Actual behavior

I get [[Big Big Buck Bunny]]

Thanks, I will check it.

Sorry to bother you again, but something's still off. Now it happens like...

  • I open double brackets
  • I type in [[Big Buc
  • I click the link suggestion Big Buck Bunny
  • Text comes out: [[Big ck Bunny]]