
Add support for file-local target search (maybe using the universal argument)

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I do have a fairly large org-mode file setup. Therefore, any invocation of org-super-links takes a while before it shows me the potential link targets.

I noticed that commands like sl-quick-insert-drawer-link do not use the universal argument (C-u) so far. How about adding the universal argument to all suitable functions so that the target space is limited to the current file only? I guess this would also improve the situation for people using many (small) files in a Zettelkasten-(like-)setup.

Therefore: M-x sl-quick-insert-drawer-link RET foobar RET -> same behavior as so far: looking for all matching headings in all agenda files.

New behavior: C-u M-x sl-quick-insert-drawer-link RET foobar RET -> looking for all matching headings in the current buffer only. -> hopefully much, much faster.

Yeah, I like that idea. I'll try to work on that. thanks!