
Fail to cleanup NoSQL Embedded on modify

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I have fail to cleanup modified data in NoSQL Embedded.


name                            : Total.js
author                          : You company name
version                         : 1.0.0
// tried this but not working


-"username":"aalfiann","firstname":"M ABD AZIZ","lastname":"A"}
{"username":"aalfiann","firstname":"M ABD AZIZ","lastname":"ALFIAN"}

Quote from

modified data can start with - char and DB performs a cleaner of DB file after some time (within 24 hours, you can change this behaviour in the config file: nosql-cleaner) for useless data

How to clean the useless data properly? Am I miss something?

Hi, yes this method was missing, but I have added it into the documentation (I'll publish it when will be a new release of Total.js framework --> it will be soon).


Thank you!

fgnm commented

Hi @petersirka any news on nosql-cleaner command?

fgnm commented

Sorry, my bad, I've forgot that all - are now _, just in case you've missed it here there is still the wrong command:

Thank you