
How can I validate with schema.define the workflow options?

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I am calling workflow from the controller with $WORKFLOW and sending an Object with the body received but can't get it clean, following the schema definition... any Idea of how to achieved that?

Hi @LandyCuadra, you can clean it via $clean() method:

var data = model.$clean();

BTW: I recommend using Total.js v4 (the model is always clean in v4).

but I do not have a model var... look at how I do it.

this is my controller function

async function addClient() {
    const self = this,
        {body} = self,
        data = body;

    $WORKFLOW('InsuranceVerification','saveClient', data, (err, response) => {
            self.status = 500;
        self.status = 200;
    }, self);

and this is in my schema

NEWSCHEMA('InsuranceVerification', (schema) => {
    schema.define("clientId", String, true);
    schema.define("patientId", String);
    schema.define("apptDate", String);
    schema.required("patientId", (model, op) => {
      console.log("Operation", op);
      return !!op.update
    schema.required("apptDate", (model, op) => {
      console.log("Operation", op);
      return !!op.update

    schema.addWorkflow('saveClient', async function ($) {
            const model = {...$.clean(), ...schema.clean($.options)};
           $.success("client inserted successfuly");

I have tried to call it like this, and getting the model only with $.clean(), so it respect the schema.define but in the schema.required() the op comes empty and loss the controller (because I don't send it)

function addClient() {

    const self = this;
    const body = self.body;
    body.method = self.res.req.method;

    GETSCHEMA("InsuranceVerification").make(body, function (err, model) {
        if (err) {
            self.status = 500;

        model.$workflow("saveClient", function (errSave, res) {
            if (errSave) {
                self.status = 500;
            self.status = 200;

Try to add: model.$controler(self) and let me kwow. This can solve a problem with the op comes empty and loss the controller (because I don't send it)

function addClient() {

    const self = this;
    const body = self.body;
    body.method = self.res.req.method;

    GETSCHEMA("InsuranceVerification").make(body, function (err, model) {
        if (err) {
            self.status = 500;
        // TRY TO ADD:

        model.$workflow("saveClient", function (errSave, res) {
            if (errSave) {
                self.status = 500;
            self.status = 200;

now I am getting the controller, but op in schema.required() still an empty object

I understand and this is a bit problem because the op is assigned automatically. In your case you need to assign op manually in the .make() method (but it's not good way). I don't know why don't you use routing to the schemas.

This solves all problems:

ROUTE('POST /api/clients/add/   *InsuranceVerification --> @saveClient');

yeah, already tried it this way and it works, but the company wants the route poiting to a function.... thank you for your help!

In your case you need to assign op manually in the .make() method (but it's not good way)

hi again, can show where I can find how to do this?, please, I checked the documentation but the only reference to operations for schema instances was to invoke an addOperation method... with this I could close the issue

yeah, already tried it this way and it works, but the company wants the route poiting to a function.... thank you for your help!

Total.js creates a function in the background. Routing with the schemas brings clear structure.

// This property is assigned to the `.required()` evaluator.
model.$$workflow = { update: 1 };
model.$workflow("saveClient", function (errSave, res) {


Look to the $ACTION() method: