
you must provide a client_id

bicccio opened this issue · 8 comments

In the last days i get this error after the instagram authentication form:
code: 400,
error_type: 'OAuthException',
error_message: 'You must provide a client_id',

The code i'm trying is the one present in the 'Server-Side Authentication using OAuth and the Instagram API' section of your github page... I'm sure the client_id is set.


etrom commented

I am also having this problem.

etrom commented

@bicccio I fixed it by updating to the latest version 0.5.7

Thx @etrom... it works!!!

Excuse me iam also having same problem but didn't understand your solution , can u give some more details about that..Thanks in advance

@rasoolbi u have to update to the latest version.

instagram version or api version..can you plz tell me...i was blocked here.

instagram-node version... API URL
client_id,client_secret,grant_type,redirect_uri,code these are the post parameters iam sending.
Response am getting:
[code] => 400
[error_type] => OAuthException
[error_message] => You must provide a client_id
i didn't get instagram-node? and how to do that?