Launchpad is a midi device built by Novation, used to drive computer-assisted music creation applications such as Ableton Live.
The device is a square board with a 8x8 pads grid, surrounded by round command buttons. Pads and buttons can be lit in various tints of yellow, red and green. This makes the Launchpad an interesting general-purpose I/O device, where a user can press pads and buttons to send commands to an application, and provide feedback with its 8x8 matrix of colored leds.
LP4J is a lightweight Java API allowing any Java application to interact with a Launchpad S (second generation). It also provides a embedded, web-based emulator to allow developers to design and test applications should they not have access to a physical device.
The API is split in 3 submodules :
- lp4j-api : an abstract, high-level API defining how to interact with a Launchpad (LaunchpadClient / LaunchpadListener)
- lp4j-midi : a MIDI implementation of the API, suitable to interact with a physical device.
- lp4j-emulator : a web-based emulator, using SVG and websockets.
From a developper's perspective, all interaction with LP4J are done through the high-level API.
First, you need to get a reference to a Launchpad :
// Physical device (with auto-detected ports configuration)
Launchpad launchpad = new MidiLaunchpad(MidiDeviceConfiguration.autodetect());
// Or start the emulator on http://localhost:9000
Launchpad launchpad = new EmulatorLaunchpad(9000);
From this Launchpad instance, you can :
- retrieve a LaunchpadClient, used to send commands TO the device or emulator (mostly to turn on/off the pads or buttons lights),
- set up a LaunchpadListener to react to events.
LaunchpadClient client = launchpad.getClient();
launchpad.setListener(new MyListener());
A very simple debugging listener can look like this :
public static class MyListener extends LaunchpadListenerAdapter {
public void onPadPressed(Pad pad, long timestamp) {
System.out.println("Pad pressed : "+pad);
Listeners can be more complex. For example, the following Listener sends commands back to the Launchpad to put a yellow light under pads when they are pressed, lighting them off when they are released.
Please also note the use of a CountDownLatch to wait for the user to press the "STOP" button before exiting the application.
public class Example {
private static CountDownLatch stop = new CountDownLatch(1);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Launchpad launchpad = new EmulatorLaunchpad(9000);
LaunchpadClient client = launchpad.getClient();
MyListener myListener = new MyListener(client);
// Set a red light under the STOP button
client.setButtonLight(Button.STOP, Color.RED, BackBufferOperation.NONE);
public static class MyListener extends LaunchpadListenerAdapter {
private final LaunchpadClient client;
public MyListener(LaunchpadClient client) {
this.client = client;
public void onPadPressed(Pad pad, long timestamp) {
client.setPadLight(pad, Color.YELLOW, BackBufferOperation.NONE);
public void onPadReleased(Pad pad, long timestamp) {
client.setPadLight(pad, Color.BLACK, BackBufferOperation.NONE);
public void onButtonReleased(Button button, long timestamp) {
client.setButtonLight(button, Color.BLACK, BackBufferOperation.NONE);
switch (button) {
case STOP: