
[Error] [protocol::CommandTransaction] bulk transfer failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT Operation timed out

jessiez0810 opened this issue · 1 comments

System Configuration
MacBook Pro Late 2013 macOS Catalina v. 10. 15. 7
Kinect v2

Issue Summary
I've followed the instruction step by step and when I try to run any example codes in the OpenNI folder, I am getting the following message:

SimpleOpenNI Version 1.96
[Info] [Freenect2Impl] enumerating devices...
[Info] [Freenect2Impl] 4 usb devices connected
[Info] [Freenect2Impl] found valid Kinect v2 @20:13 with serial 010977464647
[Info] [Freenect2Impl] found 1 devices
0 AppKit 0x00007fff2d541629 -[NSWindow(NSWindow_Theme) _postWindowNeedsToResetDragMarginsUnlessPostingDisabled] + 371
1 AppKit 0x00007fff2d529052 -[NSWindow _initContent:styleMask:backing:defer:contentView:] + 1416
2 AppKit 0x00007fff2d528ac3 -[NSWindow initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:] + 42
3 libglfw.3.dylib 0x00000001282caa51 _glfwPlatformCreateWindow + 358
4 libglfw.3.dylib 0x00000001282c5553 glfwCreateWindow + 460
5 libfreenect2.0.2.0.dylib 0x00000001281a5dcc _ZN12libfreenect226OpenGLDepthPacketProcessorC2EPvb + 188
6 libfreenect2.0.2.0.dylib 0x0000000128191cf2 _ZN12libfreenect220OpenGLPacketPipelineC2EPvb + 130
7 libfreenect2.0.2.0.dylib 0x000000012819d2d5 _ZN12libfreenect227createDefaultPacketPipelineEv + 325
8 libfreenect2.0.2.0.dylib 0x000000012819d6e2 _ZN12libfreenect29Freenect210openDeviceEi + 18
9 libfreenect2-openni2.0.dylib 0x000000012816dd02 ZN15Freenect2Driver6Driver10deviceOpenEPKcS2 + 3314
10 libOpenNI2.dylib 0x00000001279b837a _ZN3oni14implementation6Device4openEPKc + 26
11 libSimpleOpenNI.jnilib 0x00000001279505a6 _ZN7sOpenNI14ContextWrapper4initEi + 70
12 libSimpleOpenNI.jnilib 0x000000012794560f Java_SimpleOpenNI_SimpleOpenNIJNI_ContextWrapper_1init_1_1SWIG_10 + 15
13 ??? 0x0000000114008a88 0x0 + 4630547080
14 ??? 0x0000000113fefb30 0x0 + 4630444848
15 ??? 0x0000000113fefb30 0x0 + 4630444848
16 ??? 0x0000000113ff035d 0x0 + 4630446941
After initialization:

[Info] [Freenect2DeviceImpl] opening...
[Info] [Freenect2DeviceImpl] transfer pool sizes rgb: 2016384 ir: 4128*33792
[Info] [Freenect2DeviceImpl] opened
[Error] [protocol::CommandTransaction] bulk transfer failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT Operation timed out
[Error] [protocol::CommandTransaction] bulk transfer failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT Operation timed out
[Error] [protocol::CommandTransaction] bulk transfer failed: LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT Operation timed out

What does it mean and what should I do to fix this? I am very new to coding and would really appreciate any help to solve this. Thank you.

@jessiez0810 Did you find any soluion?

I am on a MacBook Pro Late 2013 macOS Big Sur 11.7.19

I am encountering the exact same situation.