
This extension for Visual Studio Code adds snippets for THF Framework

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THF Snippets for VSCode

This extension for Visual Studio Code adds snippets for THF Framework.

Use Extension


Type part of a snippet, press enter, and the snippet unfolds.

Javascript Snippets

thfconfig          /// Create the .config file
thfconfigspec      /// Create the .config.spec file
thfcontroller      /// Create the .controller file
thfcontrollerspec  /// Create the .controller.config file
thfdirective       /// Create the .directive file
thfdirectivelite   /// Create the .directive (lite) file
thfdirectivespec   /// Create the .directive.spec file
thffactory         /// Create the .factory file
thffactory         /// Create the .factory.spec file
thffilter          /// Create the .filter file
thffilterspec      /// Create the .filter.spec file
thfi18n            /// Create the Template Sintax of i18n 
thfmodule          /// Create the .module file
thfmodulespec      /// Create the .module.spec file
thfprovider        /// Create the .provider file
thfproviderspec    /// Create the .provider.spec file
thfservice         /// Create the .service file
thfservicespec     /// Create the .service.spec file

HTML Snippets

thfi18n                      /// Totvs i18n Call Sintax Template
thfi18ncontext               /// Totvs i18n Call Sintax Template with Context
thftpopover                  /// Totvs Template Popover
thftpopoverremoveall         /// Totvs Popover Remove All
thfbutton                    /// Totvs Button
thfcarousel                  /// Totvs Carousel
thfchart                     /// Totvs Chart
thfcheckbox                  /// Totvs Field Checkbox
thfcombo                     /// Totvs Field Combo
thfdaterange                 /// Totvs Date Range Field
thfdatepicker                /// Totvs Datepicker Field
thfdecimal                   /// Totvs Field Decimal
thfdiagram                   /// Totvs Diagram
thfpageeditable              /// Totvs Editable Page
thfeditor                    /// Totvs Editor
thfemail                     /// Totvs Email Field
thfexecution                 /// Totvs Executation
thftotvsfield                /// Totvs Field
thfgantt                     /// Totvs Gantt
thfgrid                      /// Totvs Grid
thfgridcolumn                /// Totvs Grid Column
thfgridcolumnoption          /// Totvs Grid Column Option
thfgriddetail                /// Totvs Grid Detail
thfgridgroup                 /// Totvs Grid Group
thfgridgroupaggregate        /// Totvs Grid Group Aggregate
thfgroupcontent              /// Totvs Group Content
thflistitem                  /// Totvs Item of List
thfinput                     /// Totvs Field Input
thflistitemaction            /// Totvs Item Action of List 
thflistitemcontent           /// Totvs Item List  Content
thflistitemcontentdetail     /// Totvs Item List Content Detail
thflistitemheader            /// Totvs Item List Header
thfdivider                   /// Totvs Divider
thflistiteminfo              /// Totvs Item List Info
thflistpagination            /// Totvs List Pagination
thflistitemtitle             /// Totvs Item List Title
thfmap                       /// Totvs Map
thfmashupcaptcha             /// Totvs Mashup Captcha
thfmodalbody                 /// Totvs Modal Body
thfmodalfooter               /// Totvs Modal Footer
thfmultiselect               /// Totvs Multiselect
thfmodalheader               /// Totvs Modal Header
thfnumber                    /// Totvs Number
thfpage                      /// Totvs Page
thfpagealert                 /// Totvs Page Alert
thfpagebreadcrumb            /// Totvs Page Breadcrumb
thfbreadcrumb                /// Totvs Breadcrumb
thfpagecontent               /// Totvs Page Content
thfpagecontentheader         /// Totvs Page Content Header
thfpagedetail                /// Totvs Page Detail
thfpagedetailinfo            /// Totvs Page Detail Info
thfpagedetailinfogroup       /// Totvs Page Detail Info Group
thftypeahead                 /// Totvs Typeahead
thfpageheaderoperationaction /// Totvs Page Header Operation Action
thfpageheaderoperation       /// Totvs Page Header Operation
thfpageheader                /// Totvs Page Header
thfpagechild                 /// Totvs Page Child
thfpagenavbar                /// Totvs Page Navbar
thfpageheadertitle           /// Totvs Page Header title
thfpagequickfilter           /// Totvs Page Quick Filter
thfpagequickselect           /// Totvs Page Quick select
thfpagetags                  /// Totvs Page Tags
thfphone                     /// Totvs Phone
thfradio                     /// Totvs Radio
thfrow                       /// Totvs Row
thfscheduler                 /// Totvs Scheduler
thfschedule                  /// Totvs Schedule
thfselect                    /// Totvs Select
thftab                       /// Totvs Tab
thftabdropdown               /// Totvs Tab Dropdown
thftabdropdownitem           /// Totvs Tab Dropdown Item
thftable                     /// Totvs Table
thfpageheaderoperationfilter /// Totvs Page Header Operation Filter
thftime                      /// Totvs Time 
thfupload                    /// Totvs Upload
thfpagewidgetfooter          /// Totvs Page Widget Footer
thfpagewidgetfooteraction    /// Totvs Page Widget Footer Actions
thfpagewidgetfooterbody      /// Totvs Page Widget Footer Body
thfpagewidgetheader          /// Totvs Page Widget Header
thfpagewidget                /// Totvs Page Widget
thfpagewidgetbody            /// Totvs Page Widget Body
thftabset                    /// Totvs Tabset
thftabsettab                 /// Totvs Tabset Tab

Alternatively, press Ctrl+Space (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+Space (OSX) to activate snippets from within the editor.


  1. Install Visual Studio Code 0.10.1 or higher
  2. Launch Code
  3. From the command palette Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd-Shift-P (OSX)
  4. Select Install Extension
  5. Choose the extension
  6. Reload Visual Studio Code

Install Extension