
Pre-built binary

kwea123 opened this issue · 1 comments

Is there any pre-built binary for windows?
I tried to build on windows but did not succeed.

The steps I took:

  1. Follow here to build g3d on windows (the installer didn't work)
  2. Clone this repo, open sdf-explorer.sln in visual studio.
  3. Follow the step 6 here to add property sheet to the project.
  4. Hit "build solution" in visual studio. Here is the output:
Build started...
1>------ Build started: Project: sdf-explorer, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
1>   Creating library x64\Debug\sdf-explorerd.lib and object x64\Debug\sdf-explorerd.exp
1>waved.lib(wave.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB '' was not found with 'waved.lib(wave.obj)' or at ''; linking object as if no debug info
1>main.vcxproj -> D:\workspace\sdf-explorer\x64\Debug\sdf-explorerd.exe
1>Done building project "main.vcxproj".
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
  1. This creates folder x64\Debug under this repo root, where I can find sdf-explorerd.exe with the oldcar icon.
  2. When I launch it, it first throws this error:
Assertion Failure - sdf-explorerd.exe
Could not locate icon `gui/icon.png'

Expression: FileSystem::exists(imageFileName)

Last Error (0x00000002): T

so I assume that the data path is not correctly linked, so I copy-paste the gui folder under data-files to x64\Debug\gui (where the .exe is located). Btw, I also encountered this error when launching the starter sample project and this solved the issue.
7. However, after creating the gui folder and launch again, now it says
and no error can be found in log.txt, so I don't know where to debug...

face with same problem:( and have solved by running '.sln' in visual studio directly :)