
How to execute Overloaded operations?

simonmd opened this issue · 3 comments


I've been able to execute operations that take no arguments, eg:,service=Queue/listAllMessages()

and with one argument:

But I am unable to call the operation if it takes more than one argument. I get:

{"error_type"=>"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException", "error"=>"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : Operation echo on MBean dcm4chee.archive:service=ECHOService is overloaded. Signatures found: (java.lang.String),(java.lang.String),(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer), (org.dcm4chex.archive.ejb.interfaces.AEDTO,java.lang.Integer), (java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,int). Use a signature when specifying the operation."

What would be the correct way to call this operation?

Many thanks!

        MBEAN_NAME = ...        # Your MBean name
        attr_values = ...               # Your values of the arguments
        signatures = [                                                             


I have seen that you try to implements apis for dcm4chee. I implemented one before but it has not been open source yet. If you have interest in my one and have time to help me on it. I am very glad to give you an account for it.

Cool! My Ruby skills are limited, but I'll be glad to contribute any way I can.

I've created an account for you on my private gitlab server. You will receive an email from it.

You can visit it directly from

BTW, the comments of dcm4chee are written in Chinese, I will rewrite them in English in the next few days.