
Extra () after NewType

miohtama opened this issue · 5 comments

I am maintaining some Python API documentation for Ethereum and ecosystem.

To improve the readability of the API documentation, I stumbled upon on your very useful sphinx-autodoc-typehints plugin. IMHO I feel this should be a core feature for apidocs.

I am generating some docs on Python 3.9 that use "custom" types. However, an unnecessary NewType() appears in the generated doc output. This comes form the custom types defined in eth-typing modules.

Any way to suppress this or hack around this?

Here is the function signature.:

from eth_typing import ChecksumAddress, BlockNumber, HexAddress
from web3 import Web3

def fetch_erc20_balances(web3: Web3, owner: HexAddress, last_block_num: Optional[BlockNumber] = None) -> Dict[HexAddress, int]:
    """Get all current holdings of an account.

    We attempt to build a list of token holdings by analysing incoming ERC-20 Transfer events to a wallet.

    The blockchain native currency like `ETH` or `MATIC` is not included in the analysis, because native
    currency transfers do not generate events.

    We are not doing any throttling: If you ask for too many events once this function and your
    Ethereum node are likely to blow up.


    .. code-block:: python

        # Load up the user with some tokens
        usdc.functions.transfer(user_1, 500).transact({"from": deployer})
        aave.functions.transfer(user_1, 200).transact({"from": deployer})
        balances = fetch_erc20_balances(web3, user_1)
        assert balances[usdc.address] == 500
        assert balances[aave.address] == 200

    :param web3: Web3 instance
    :param owner: The address we are analysis
    :param last_block_num: Set to the last block, inclusive, if you want to have an analysis of in a point of history.
    :return: Map of (token address, amount)

Here is the example output:


This is working as expected, the Hexstr is not a class, but a new type instance that makes a restriction in strings.

The one thing that does seem strange is a superfluous () after new type.

Can I somehow instruct sphinx-autodoc-typehints not to expand new type instances, because in my particular case it reduced the readability of the documentation?

No, that would be contrary to the current design philosophy. The same way type aliases are extended this is too. One could add a flag for this but adding such feature might be quite involved PR, you're free to try to create that.

Thank you so much @gaborbernat - I am choosing not to fight on this hill for now.

I'll keep this issue open to remove the extra () after the NewType.