
Support Faraday 2

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, thanks for your development.

My project has already used Faraday 2.1.0, and I try to using your Gem.
But '~> 0.11.0' is specified at here, so conflicted.

Do you have any plans to update dependencies?

Hello @t-hikawa-satt, thank you for pointing that out! While we don't actively use this SDK, we always accept PRs from the community for relevant dependency updates.

I see.

If not use this SDK, can I call APIs directly?
Also, do you have an API Reference for that?

@t-hikawa-satt if you are working with @smorimoto , we should discuss over other channels (slack/email or zoom) your needs and how we can help you. For open source users the only supported way to talk to our APIs is with the SDK.