shape_tool.IsAssembly(label) returns invalid value?
zero-kappa opened this issue · 2 comments
zero-kappa commented
Hello, I am trying to parse a step file hierarchy with XCAFDoc. However, I found that some assemblies are not correctly recognized.
For instance, here below [C-400-Shasi] is an assembly in freeCAD, but not an assembly in my sample code implemented with pythonOCC.
Here's the sample codes:
def findComponents(self, label, comps):
"""Discover components from comps (LabelSequence) of an assembly (label).
Components of an assembly are, by definition, references which refer to
either a shape or another assembly. Components are essentially 'instances'
of the referred shape or assembly, and carry a location vector specifing
the location of the referred shape or assembly.
logger.debug("Finding components of label entry %s)", label.EntryDumpToString())
for j in range(comps.Length()):
logger.debug("loop %i of %i", j+1, comps.Length())
cLabel = comps.Value(j+1) # component label <class 'OCC.Core.TDF.TDF_Label'>
cShape = self.shape_tool.GetShape(cLabel)
logger.debug("Component number %i", j+1)
logger.debug("Component entry: %s", cLabel.EntryDumpToString())
name = self.getName(cLabel)
logger.debug("Component name: %s", name)
refLabel = TDF_Label() # label of referred shape (or assembly)
isRef = self.shape_tool.GetReferredShape(cLabel, refLabel)
if isRef: # I think all components are references, but just in case...
refShape = self.shape_tool.GetShape(refLabel)
refLabelEntry = refLabel.EntryDumpToString()
logger.debug("Entry referred to: %s", refLabelEntry)
refName = self.getName(refLabel)
logger.debug("Name of referred item: %s", refName)
if self.shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(refLabel):
logger.debug("Referred item is a Shape")
logger.debug("Name of Shape: %s", refName)"Is compound? %s ", self.shape_tool.IsCompound(refLabel))"Number of Components %s ", self.shape_tool.NbComponents(refLabel))
rComps = TDF_LabelSequence() # Components of Assy
subchilds = False
isAssy = self.shape_tool.GetComponents(refLabel, rComps, subchilds)
logger.debug("Assy name: %s", name)
logger.debug("Is Assembly? %s", isAssy)
logger.debug("Number of components: %s", rComps.Length())
tempAssyLocStack = list(self.assyLocStack)
for loc in tempAssyLocStack:
color = self.getColor(refShape)
{'a': False, 'l': None, 'c': color, 's': cShape})
elif self.shape_tool.IsAssembly(refLabel):
logger.debug("Referred item is an Assembly")
logger.debug("Name of Assembly: %s", refName)
name = self.getName(cLabel) # Instance name
aLoc = TopLoc_Location()
# Location vector is carried by component
aLoc = self.shape_tool.GetLocation(cLabel)
newAssyUID = self.getNewUID()
{'a': True, 'l': aLoc, 'c': None, 's': None})
rComps = TDF_LabelSequence() # Components of Assy
subchilds = False
isAssy = self.shape_tool.GetComponents(refLabel, rComps, subchilds)
logger.debug("Assy name: %s", name)
logger.debug("Is Assembly? %s", isAssy)
logger.debug("Number of components: %s", rComps.Length())
if rComps.Length():
self.findComponents(refLabel, rComps)
tpaviot commented
can you please include the test step file
zero-kappa commented
@tpaviot Sorry for late response. Due to certain constraints, I am unable to provide the STEP file for the original example. However, I have included an another STEP file where the same issue is present:
The test step file is included in the following .zip file: