
My personal scripts

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Some personal scripts that I use. Many are not intended to be used as-is; instead, use them as a base to create your own personalized scripts. These scripts have only been tested on Linux, but some will probably work on other systems, perhaps with small modifications.

All scripts are released under the MIT license.


A wakeup alarm script. It adjusts volume levels and plays a playlist. Pass in -h for more details.


Sets up a one-time alarm. It depends on alarm.sh and atd. By default, the -e flag is passed to alarm.sh to manipulate the volume. Pass in -E to make it safer for headphones. There is currently no way to disable volume manipulation.

The rest of the arguments are passed to at.


Turns off the display backlight.


My backup script, using Duplicity as its backend. You will probably want to change the paths defined in the script.


breathe allows a job to repeatedly run for a length of time then rest for a length of time by sending the CONT and STOP signals to the process after the specified durations. The durations are passed to sleep.

breathe <on_duration> <off_duration> <command>


Outputs the contents of the given paths. If the path is a directory, an ls will be performed on it. Otherwise, a cat will be performed. Multiple paths may be passed and each will be processed independently.

This is especially useful when browsing an unfamiliar place like /proc.

(dis)connect-external-monitor, toggle-external-monitor

Connects/disconnects an external monitor and configures LXPanel for the dual-monitor setup. toggle-external monitor toggles the display on and off depending on its current state; it depends on (dis)connect-external-monitor


Converts an FFmpeg-compatible file to an animated GIF. Based on a script from phk.me


Lists the approximate swap usage of each process and sorts them by usage in ascending order.


Creates a file from the contents of stdin and makes it executable. Useful for quickly making scripts.


Outputs the scripts section of a package.json. Can be run from anywhere inside a project that has a package.json. Requires jq.


Emulates the cmd.exe PAUSE command.


A utility to start PulseAudio specifically for a program (i.e. Skype). apulse is a better solution, but it doesn't seem to play well with my current configuration.


Resets redshift to 6500K while the given program is running, then returns redshift to the temperature it was previously at. If invoked multiple times, it will return the temperature only after all programs have exited. Depends on redshift-adjust.


Returns the size of the given URI. The size is determined by the Content-Length HTTP header. Pass -h to output in a "human-readable" format.


Trims trailing silence from an audio file. Pass the audio file as the first parameter and the output filename as the second. Depends on ffmpeg.

screenshot, screenshot-window

screenshot takes a screenshot of the given window, or the whole display (the root window) if no window given. It depends on ImageMagick.

screenshot-window takes a screenshot of the currently-focused window. It will pass its arguments to screenshot. It depends on screenshot and xdotool.


toggle-screensaver disables or enables your screensaver (set to xscreensaver in the script) by sending SIGSTOP or SIGCONT to the process. It will also display a desktop notification via notify-send.


A Tor wrapper around bash. No history is saved. Tor mode can be detected by checking the TORSH environment variable.


Updates the GRUB boot file and replaces the first entry's kernel to the one specified in the script. If /boot/grub is under git control, it also commits before and after the update. This was written because linux-lts was getting picked up first instead of linux-ck and I wanted linux-ck to be the default.


Shows the weather according to wttr.in. Takes in the resource name as an optional parameter (e.g. for wttr.in/Moon, execute weather Moon).


Executes its arguments in xterm if not in a terminal. xterm will exit when the program exits.