
Equals and IsEqualTo unexpected behaviour with nullable floating point numbers

MaciekSwiszczowski opened this issue · 3 comments

Equals and IsEqualTo don't fire exceptions when the expected value is an integer and the checked value is nullable floating point.

Expected Behavior

They should fire an exception.

Current Behavior

            double? number = 2.2;

            Check.That(number).Equals(2); // OK
            Check.That(number).IsEqualTo(2); // OK

Your Environment

  • Version used: 2.6
  • Framework version: e.g. .NET Core 3.1

The situation evolves with the upcoming version V2.7 due to the significant rewriting of equality comparison and mutant tests that helped identify some issues.

            double? number = 2.2;

            Check.That(number).Equals(2); // OK
            Check.That(number).IsEqualTo(2); // fails

I need to review why it works of Equals

There is an issue with the numerical type resolution logic.

            double? number = 2.2;

            Check.That(number).Equals(2.0); //fails
            Check.That(number).IsEqualTo(2.0); // fails
            Check.That(number).IsEqualTo(2d); // fails
            Check.That(number).IsEqualTo(2f); // fails

fixed in V 2.7.0