
Running Steamprefill (Lancache resolving to a public ip)

Closed this issue · 6 comments

When i start Steamprefill, i get an error Lancache is resolving to a public ip.

im using @ich777 unraid lxc Container.


ich777 commented

Are you using LXC on Unraid?

Can you post your Docker run command? Can you give a bit more details on your setup please?

docker run -d --name='LANCache'
-e CACHE_DISK_SIZE="4000000m"
-e CACHE_MAX_AGE="3650d"
-e TZ="Europe/Vienna"
-v '/mnt/lancache/cache':'/data/cache':'rw'
-v '/mnt/lancache/logs':'/data/logs':'rw'
-p 80:80 -p 443:443
--no-healthcheck --restart=unless-stopped

i followed your tutorial on and the last few weeks everything worked perfectly fine. Yesterday my server crashed and now i get this error adguard and unbound works perfectly fine.

ich777 commented

Are you on Unraid 6.12.4?

Do you use IPVLAN for Docker on Unraid or do you run it without bridging, so to speak MACVTAP?

May I ask why you run LANCachePrefill also in the LXC container or do you run it on Unraid?
I would rather recommend that you run it in the Docker container directly on Unraid because it will not male muh difference and is easier to maintain on Unraid because of the GUI and autoupdates from container (if enabled).

EDIT: Sorry I meant the docker run command from LANCache Prefill.

i fixed it, nginx used port 80. Yesterday i installed Nginx to use DoH from outside and i couldnt get it to work so i deleted it but some files where left. After completely removing it, it works again. My bad should have check this first but didnt think about it anymore.

sorry to hijack the issue but i have the same problem and im using unraid. docker is configured with ipvlan.

ich777 commented

@mitch030504 this is most of the times a miss configuration from the lancache containers and not strictly speaking from steam-prefill.

Is your lancache working on your local computer? If not please try to troubleshoot that in the first place.