Method to return grouped results?
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I have discovered the usefulness of getting groups of results, like:
TotalEvent.results( *defaultopts(sort: ["event_label"]) ).for_page_path("/pricing/").collection
Or for simple total counts of metrics,
UniquePgview.results( *defaultopts ).for_page_path("/pricing/").totals_for_all_results
But what if I want to return the totals for a metric, collected by a specific dimension? For example: For the /pricing/ page, get the totals for every event Label, eg:
{ "Hero CTA" => 50, "Sign Up Button" => 75}
Do I need to manually map or merge or somehow collect results to achieve that or is there some default way of getting those collected results? Thanks for any insight!
I might need more context to fully understand the question.
should act as "groups". E.g., pageviews by country will show total pageviews (for a given time period) for each country.