
Search only files and ignore directories

jumski opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm working on a ClojureScript/Clojure hybrid app and i would love to have a single src command that will target both src/*.clj and *src/.cljs files and expand their pathnames with extensions upon completion.

I can easily define the src/* projection but then all the directories are also suggested, which is definitely not what i want.

I've tried defining globpath with a pipe src/*.clj|src/*.cljs but it does not work for me (as far as i understand the pipe is only for the requirements).

Any ideas how to accomplish that?

tpope commented

Define 2 projections.

Unfortunatelly this does not solve the problem of having no extension suffix shown in completion for the generated command, which can be a pain in the ass in clojurescript repos that use the bad habit of duplicating namespace names in clj and cljs files. But i can live with having two commands (src and jsrc) instead of one. Thank you