
speeddating freezes when changing month requires update of year

jkooij opened this issue · 2 comments

hi, just installed speeddating.vim from (version 20100219).
Speeddate freezes vim (infinite loop, using CPU) when using or on a date, which should change the year. This bug does not occur when changing the day instead of the month, even when this forces a change of the year.

Test case:

  • open gvim
  • write in new buffer: 2010-01-01
  • put cursor on the month
  • press Ctrl+X to decrease month
  • expected result: date should change to: 2009-12-01
  • observed result: date does not change, vim enters infinite loop until pressing Ctrl+C

NOTE: putting the cursor on the day part of 2010-01-01 and pressing Ctrl+X does change to 2009-12-31 however.

Same problem occurs when increasing month in, for example, date 2010-12-01.

Using gvim 7.2 on winxp.

Good catch. Tell me if the version I just pushed still has issues.

yep, that fixes it for me, thanks.