
Unknown error

diplopito opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Tomasz,

Suddenly ReJSON stopped working. I copied the ReJSON.dll in the same folder as Redis but seems that it is not loading. When I try a simple "JSON.SET", it's reporting:

(error) ERR unknown command `JSON.SET`, with args beginning with `test`, `.`, `{"hello": "world"}`

Any idea of which could be the issue? I"m using Redis 5.0.10 and ReJSON 1.0.6, both on Win 10 Pro.


Please make sure you have it specified in the config file to be loaded. Is there anything specific in Redis' log file/output on console?

That was it: I did a fresh installation and didn't add loadmodule to the service-conf file. Thanks Tomasz! I"m using it even from within WSL (Ubuntu 20.04) and it works fine.