No results found since 5.1.0 (but works like a charm in 5.0.4)
OLDOY opened this issue · 3 comments
I'm actually migrating ke_search from 4.2 to 5.1.0 for a client website and I have been struck with a bug after migrating: There's always no result found when I search with keywords (any).
I reindexed everything multiples times, recreated all the plugins and even converted to "Faceted search Searchbox and filter".
After trial and errors, I have found that if I reverted to 5.0.4, everything seems to be working as usual. It seems like a bug introduced in 5.1.0.
I'm using a "Faceted search Searchbox and filter" and a "Faceted search - Results" on a same page with indexed documents from Pages, Content and News all over the web page.
Did someone get this bug too?
Seems to be an problem with the SQL-query:
working query from the 5.0.4 version:
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *, MATCH (title,content,hidden_content) AGAINST ('sword')+ (1 * MATCH (title) AGAINST ('sword')) AS score FROM `tx_kesearch_index` WHERE 1=1 AND MATCH (title,content,hidden_content) AGAINST ('sword*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND pid in (1,30) AND language IN(0, -1) AND (`tx_kesearch_index`.`starttime` <= 1698078600) AND ((`tx_kesearch_index`.`endtime` = 0) OR (`tx_kesearch_index`.`endtime` > 1698078600)) AND (((`tx_kesearch_index`.`fe_group` = '') OR (`tx_kesearch_index`.`fe_group` IS NULL) OR (`tx_kesearch_index`.`fe_group` = '0') OR (FIND_IN_SET('0', `tx_kesearch_index`.`fe_group`)) OR (FIND_IN_SET('-1', `tx_kesearch_index`.`fe_group`)))) ORDER BY score desc LIMIT 10
non-working query from the 5.1 version:
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *, MATCH (title,content,hidden_content) AGAINST ('sword')+ (1 * MATCH (title) AGAINST ('sword')) AS score FROM `tx_kesearch_index` WHERE 1=1 AND MATCH (title,content,hidden_content) AGAINST ('*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND pid in (1,30) AND language IN(0, -1) AND (`tx_kesearch_index`.`starttime` <= 1698077220) AND ((`tx_kesearch_index`.`endtime` = 0) OR (`tx_kesearch_index`.`endtime` > 1698077220)) AND (((`tx_kesearch_index`.`fe_group` = '') OR (`tx_kesearch_index`.`fe_group` IS NULL) OR (`tx_kesearch_index`.`fe_group` = '0') OR (FIND_IN_SET('0', `tx_kesearch_index`.`fe_group`)) OR (FIND_IN_SET('-1', `tx_kesearch_index`.`fe_group`)))) ORDER BY score desc LIMIT 10
Seems only to affect Search when you do not configure like suggested.
$GLOBALS['TYPO_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['ke_search'][''additionalWordCharacters'] = '-.';
After this, searching worked again for me.
This is fixed in version 5.1.1.