
A sketch of how tqdm.cpp would be used

CrazyPython opened this issue · 8 comments

To maintain simplicity, tqdm.cpp should support iterate-range:

for (auto&& item : tqdm::tqdm()) {
  • Provide an equivalent to for (int i; i < x; ++i) in the form of trange that supports iterate-range. C++ is inherently different than python, so trange will be used much more often.
  • tqdm::tqdm is a little bit redundant. Is there an elegant way to solve this?

yes, working on this. there's only one correct way to do this; no point
discussing it here until I've pushed the stub.
But since you've opened this issue:

  • namespaces
  • classes and structures
  • forward_iterator_tag
namespace tqdm{

template <typename _Iterator>
class tqdm{
  tqdm(_Iterator start, _Iterator end);
  tqdm(_Iterator start, size_t total);
  typedef ForwardIterator<_Iterator> iterator;
  typedef ForwardIterator<const _Iterator> const_iterator;

o11c commented

tqdm::tqdm needs to be a function, not a class, so that the template parameters don't have to be specified.

tqdm::TqdmIterable<> can be the class - we're definitely going to need multiple classes in order to support all the python functionality, and I want tqdm::Tqdm for the manual case.

@o11c How would tqdm::tqdm work as a function?

trange can be a function too.

@o11c I don't understand how tqdm::tqdm would be a function - what would it return?

@casperdcl @o11c make a PR to the dev branch and let us review it

@o11c yes, I'm aiming for a class Tqdm with a function helper tqdm which returns an instance of the class. the class itself will be forward iterator. in future we may want to allow bidirectional iterators and accordingly backtrack ETA and stats (haha)

in terms of range I think (after much pondering) that it's best to implement a custom range iterator which spoofs a vector - essentially a generator

implemented in dev, master as per this discussion (function tqdm::tqdm, tqdm::range, class tqdm::Tqdm)