
Unable to unzip dataset archive

mfox94 opened this issue · 6 comments

There is a problem in unzipping the zip file into the 7z archive to download for the dataset.
Can you resolve and publish it in a mirror?

tqtg commented

Hi @mfox94
I guess you may need to use 7-Zip (https://www.7-zip.org/) to unzip the file.

Hi @tqtg
7zip displays the message error of file damaged.
The problem happens only when I try to unzip the zip file, not the 7z file. I think there is a problem in the compression of the latter one.
Could you upload the archive without this problem, please? Maybe on Google drive for a faster download..

tqtg commented

Hi @tqtg
7zip displays the message error of file damaged.
The problem happens only when I try to unzip the zip file, not the 7z file. I think there is a problem in the compression of the latter one.
Could you upload the archive without this problem, please? Maybe on Google drive for a faster download..

Could you provide me the link that causes the problem?

FYI: the datasets (EMNLP'15 paper) are provided by Duyu Tang from his homepage http://ir.hit.edu.cn/~dytang/

tqtg commented

@mfox94 I uploaded the data to GG Drive (please request for access): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OQ_ggjlNUWiTg_zFXc0_OpYXpJRwJP3y

Thank you very much, it seems work!