
Slice's formatex because it doesn't have a GitHub repo

Primary LanguagePawn



Slice's formatex because it doesn't have a GitHub repo.

Original thread: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=313488

All credits to Slice/oscar-broman

The original library wasn't shipped with an explicit license but I'm sure, in the spirit of Open Source, Slice is happy to have this redistributed via GitHub - if not, let me know!


Simply install to your project:

sampctl package install Southclaws/formatex

Include in your code and begin using the library:

#include <formatex>

Original Documentation


After seeing a great new feature in sscanf that allows you to create custom specifiers, I figured it was only right to do the same to format and printf!

For example, the following code could be made a lot shorter:

// This will put into "msg" the weapon you were given by a player, and the color of the player's name will match the player's color.

new msg[128], name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], color;

color = GetPlayerColor(playerid);

GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));

format(msg, sizeof(msg), "You were given a %s by {%06x}%s", g_WeaponNameArray[weapon], color >>> 8, name);

This will do the same thing:

new msg[128];

format(msg, _, "You were given %w by %P", weapon, playerid);

// msg is for example: You were given an M4 by Slice

New Specifiers

Specifier Description
%p Name of the player ID given.
%P Name of the player ID given, with the player's color before it.
%C Inline color (ex. {FFFFFF}) from a normal color (ex. colors you get from GetPlayerColor).
%v Vehicle model name from the model given (not vehicle ID, vehicle model).
%w Weapon name, lower-case singular (to be used in sentences). Example: "an M4", "a combat shotgun", "a knife".
%W Weapon's name.
%X 8-byte, unsigned hex string (ex. FFFFFFFF).
%u Unsigned integer.

You can create your own specifiers!

You can do this very easily; example of one that puts an upper-case string at %S: Add this anywhere outside of a function:

// Upper-case string
FormatSpecifier<'S'>(output[], const param[]) {
	for (new i = 0, l = min(sizeof(output), strlen(param)); i < l; i++)
		output[i] = toupper(param[i]);

You can now do this:

printf("hello %S!", "world");

// prints: hello WORLD!

If you want an integer, float, or anything else instead of a string you just change it:

// You can call the argument whatever you like, and it can be a string/array:
FormatSpecifier<'A'>(output[], Float:health) { ... }
FormatSpecifier<'B'>(output[], objectid) { ... }
FormatSpecifier<'C'>(output[], playerid) { ... }
FormatSpecifier<'D'>(output[], Text:td) { ... }
FormatSpecifier<'D'>(output[], const string[]) { ... }

Additional notes

Worth mentioning is this is a superset of format, meaning it has exactly all the features of format and those behave like always (the only exception is it's a bit friendlier to packed strings, though %s still doesn't support it).

It actually uses the original native "format" function to do the heavy lifting.