
Any interest in moving repository to trac-hacks organization?

rjollos opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi Ethan,

I've been trying to determine how we can present an aggregated view of all the trac plugins available on GitHub, both on GitHub and through This is particularly important in cases that the user hasn't created a stub page (so it's less applicable to your repositories). It does not seem to be possible to add tags to GitHub projects. Searching for "trac plugins" returns more than 700 results, but many of those are clones and not the "main" repository. So first, I would like to ask if you have any ideas on how to accomplish this aggregated view.

From what I can see, the only solution that might work would be to clone a move a repository to the trac-hacks organization and hide the original repository. I don't see how repositories can be moved, so this might amount to just forking the repository and working out of the forked repository. I created a Maintainers group in the trac-hacks organization and invited you to the group. You'll have permissions to work from any repositories if you choose to "move" them to the group.

So, what do you think? Would you be interested in trying this out? Can you think of a better solution? I'll be opening similar issues for other repositories in cases that I know the maintainer. I'll follow-up here if we have any further developments towards a good solution.

  • Ryan

Definitely - this sounds like a great idea. I'd be happy to do this for all my plugins (including the ones under -- multireposearch, workflownotification, gitolite, userpictures, etc) if there's interest.

Yeah, please go ahead and move whatever plugins you'd like.

You should receive an invite to join the trac-hacks organization. You'll have general Admin access to the trac-hacks organization which will allow you to execute these steps and transfer the repository. After you transfer the repository I'll remove you from the Admin team, create an Admin group for your repository and make you the Admin for your repository.

If you were to give me sufficient access to the plugins I might be able to move them.

If you don't have time right now, would you consider merging #2?

Oh shoot. Yes. To all of the above. Really sorry this stuff keeps not reaching the top of my to do list. :-/

I may have just successfully transferred the repo to trac-hacks. And it only took me two years!

Yes, looks good!